07 June 2013

Some Days in the Life....

I've been a bit remiss with my blogging lately.  I know we are all very busy and understand how that goes. The good news is that when I am busy I can give you some eye candy to illustrate what I'm busy with!

Choosing fabrics for design clients.......

Early mornings at the Flower Market to get flowers for......

Styling photo shoots. 
(I know, there are no flowers in this shot. No letters please ;) )

Trips to NYC for a FAB new project I will tell you all about in a bit........
(have you seen the new WTC tower? Isn't it beautiful??)

And to Lake Placid to style another photo shoot...

And trying to grab some time to stop and smell the......peonies. Mine are blooming and are my absolute favorite.

No complaints here, I fully realize these responsibilities inform a pretty fantastic life, as those things go. 
I hope you feel the same about yours!

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